
"stupefied by the light"

wide-angle countryside with the sun low & orange. trees still ripe, but first light grey strips anticipate the October time. the depth of colors and the very last moments, the neighborhood does its best for soon it will all start fading away.
baked apples, the hot syrupy sweetness spills out from the hollowed medulla. with all its abundance, this time of year is under the sign of Schulz.
there is immense hunger for tales inside me. so I read the Czech stories by Szczygieł, although it doesn't come easy to me to forgive him (even him) the forrible Catholic discourse. he somehow urged me to start the apostasy process. the first step is always the hardest: the priest on the phone was an asshole that hung up and he was gone. I've got a feeling it all won't be a quick thing to do.
so I read - I'm surprised to discover that the academic book "DUET encounters" turns out to be not a collection of scientific articles, but half-private memories of some linguistic conferences. it's totally useless when it comes to my thesis, but it's warm and full of the peculiar satisfaction brought by academic work – demanding, exhausting, badly funded one – one which makes you a better human being through the intellectual effort you made. (so I assume. I have never done solid academic work myself.)
and on the radio Maria Peszek (Mariah Pescheck as I call her in writing) tells her Asian story, so vivid a tale, I guess it sharpened my unbearable hunger even more. texture skin structure. aromas. I've got some wine that's most suitable to this. shell segal.
how I love radio. radio is larger than television. radio is larger than the internet. radio combined with literature is beautiful feed for gigantic hunger. horizons, spaces, phantasms.
today my life has been very, very pretty.

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