
I admire

I admire artists.

to love their art is to live an esthetically pleasing and interesting life of somebody else - not mine.
recently, so many have left the country to live somewhere else. and I grow indifferent to those who have stayed.

the past is in my dreams at night, I thought I saw the past on the stairs near the railway station, she was walking with her head down, so I'm not sure if it was her.
on the photographs, the past is bright and warm. seems so unreal from today's perspective.

forgive me everything I have done wrong, forgive me I have become someone detached from life, frozen, absent. defeated.

forgive me, because I can't forgive myself.

I loved you.


light grey and orange.

home. ginger, lemon, honey. pumpkin soup. two cats.
feels like I'm leaving some kind of nightmare for the weekend to get back to the place that remembers me as a young young girl who wrote, read and satisfied her natural urge to explore.

how come doing the right thing, as it seemed, has lead me to the life of constant struggle for survival. for sanity.