
desired constellations

what if that person didn't come to your life to see you, but just happened to be passing by. maybe in your perspective the lines and the angles constitute a frame in which things are clear. you speak one language and you look each other right in the eye. but you're not the master of the constellation. neither of you is. it's not up to you. there are those inevitable natural laws you have to adjust to. according to them, if your chain and hers aren't complementary, it just won't work.
no matter how much it makes you tremble.
no matter how well she responds to your yearning.
and they call science a perfect kingdom. ridiculous, now isn't it.
do we dare to bend the rules of time and space. to bow to each other's demands. now do we.
does the happy ever after make the game worth the candle. now does it.

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