
'I have arrived.'

to wake up in the morning, write down that life is a scary thing and then have an absolutely perfect day.

my face and neck are suntanned, my camera is full of sunny photos, my mind is calm.

we left early in the morning. we sat in the sun, we ate soup from small bowls and we listened to piano, double bass and percussion trio that was working with silence like a well improvised meditation. the pianist had curly hair, white creased shirt and a warm, tanned face. and he absolutely loved what he was doing.

and now I have a keepsake, a bunch of dried lavender on the kitchen window sill.

in the evening J. got back and told me to get ready for some awesome party we were going to in a couple of weeks. and I felt a shadow on my heart, because I understood that today was over and new plans and moments are waiting in their impatient queue.

gone too fast to love this day enough.
too quickly to make sure I've remembered it well.

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