
call me Taz

so today I made a new folder called MA. it already contains the first file for me to study before I get round to my grand scale shamming of the academic work on the protagonists' gender in the great, sophisticated literature. here we go.

after a cup of green tea and a bucket of coffee I'm frisking like a wacko. where the fuck is my lover when I need her.

the secretary in our stately institute gave me today a digitalized version of a document that I'm not really allowed to possess. you're pretty much hot, too, missy.

what else – my organism used to the Riga standards demands alcohol in godless amounts. the problematic part: the Riga company have gone their separate ways to the hell, to London or to work. so, my evening bottle of wine will have to do [2/3 of the bottle is mine, anyway], but I still wash it down with my secret martini on the rocks, loved by no one but me.

I'm looking forward to the short period of being here and there which starts tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's evening. I'm looking forward to what I'm having here and now. hell, I like this жизнь of mine, that bitch. wondering when things will get fucked up.

plus, I'm eating like a pig these days, making a resolution with every bite to do better in the future, to lose some weight and stop stuffing myself with food that much. there's definitely something wrong about me and the feed. so, let's go to warm up a ciabatta, shall we?

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